P1 Billing LLC
You have it for every patient.
We have it for every claim.
Decades of experience helping large and small practices receive the maximum legal payments for their efforts.
OUR MISSION: Relentless Pursuit of every claim
Reliable Medical Billing Service
Established in 1997, P1 Billing is one of most innovative medical billing companies in America. We provide Medical Billing, EHR, Transcription and Bookkeeping services to a variety of specialties, including: Internal Medicine, Emergency Medicine, Vascular, OBGYN, High risk OBGYN, Allergy Specialists, Pediatrics, Orthopedics, and more.
We aim to maximize your revenue by collecting all that is due your practice, while minimizing your billing headaches and allowing you to concentrate on taking care of patients. We use the most up to date reimbursement strategies available and continuously update our procedures in order to obtain for you, the physician, the greatest legally attainable reimbursement rates.

We Get It
You'd rather treat patients than fight the payers
We understand. Arguing with insurance carriers is frustrating, tedious, and unpleasant.
At P1, we identify the issues and make sure the carriers understand their problem, to insure you receive the maximum legal reimbursement you deserve.

The Problem
Sub-Optimal Reimbursements
Your focus is on your patients. You provide optimized patient care. Claims denied by insurance companies are often due to technicalities unrelated to patient care. You and your staff spend time better suited to treating patients examining charts, reviewing contracts, analyzing coding to fight denials
The Solution
Reimbursements consistent with your attention to patient care.
We train your staff in optimized coding techniques and review your coding on an on-going basis to confirm conformity to payer standards. We deal with your payers and address all denials so you do not have to. At P1 customer service is paramount. We always answer your phone calls, we always address your issues.

We fight the reimbursement battle so you can fight for your patient's health
The P1 Advantage
Our full-time QA department uses statistical quality control and monitors all aspects of the billing process, from charge-posting to third-stage collection calls to insure maximum quality, accuracy, and efficiency.
Our billing experts are available on our support line 24 hours a day/7 days a week to insure the service you receive is timely and professional- and there when you need it.
Fully HIPAA compliant
Together with our QA department, our compliance experts stay abreast of regulations, so you don't have to.
We offer our own state-of-the-art P1 technology platform, and we support others as well.
Our billing professionals operate around the clock to move your claims through the systems as rapidly as possible.
Cost Effectiveness
Our service enables your practice to maximize allowable revenue at the lowest possible cost.

PLUS- The Services you need to support you practice

Medical Coding
Outstanding Quality
We have a large staff of certified coders for all specialties. We have competitive pricing for coding-related projects, including reviews, coding-related denials and appeals and temporary assignements to remove backlogs.

Medical Auths
We do it better, faster, and more cost-effectively
Skilled, knowledgable staff who insure they have authorization before they enter the office.

For new staff or updates
P1 is fully staffed with credentialing specialists who know the carriers.

Medical Transcription
Fast and Accurate
Top notch customer service, combined with fast and accurarate transcriptionists make us the logical choice for your transcription needs

EHR, interfaces, and other projects
Our clients use multiple software platforms including EPIC, AllScripts, and other industry leaders. If you have specific needs in this area, call us.

Physician Bookkeeping
Get a handle on what's going on
Our Quickbooks experts will get your books in order and keep them that way, so you can focus on your practice.
Contact US
If you have any issues with your current revenue cycle management solution, please contact us.
15 Corporate Pl. S, Piscataway, NJ 08854